Are you getting bored with visiting the same old places year after year? Well then, you might be glad to hear that there are actually other options out there, especially for able bodied people who enjoy a bit of thrill seeking from time to time. All you’ve got to do is learn how to think outside of the box, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to find the most suitable and exciting adrenalin fueled holiday possible. Believe it or not, thousands of people choose to miss out on the sunny beaches of Spain each and every year, most of whom prefer something a little more exhilarating, which is exactly why I’m writing this article today.
Even if you’ve never once been mountain climbing or trekking before, opting to change your outlook and start now could be the best thing you’ve ever done. People don’t do this sort of thing because it makes them feel tired out, they do it because of the amazing experiences they have, and the truly stunning sights they see. Let’s face it, unless you can afford a helicopter ride, there’s no other way to see places like Machu Picchu in Peru – an area many consider to be the 8th wonder of the world.
This is one of the most interesting countries in the region, and luckily, is a lot more open to accepting foreign tourists than China. Here you’ll find the great Mount Everest and any number of trekking circuits, sure to leave even the most lazy members of your group dumbfounded. The Annapurna circuit is probably one of the most famous, and at around 200 km in length (depending on which route you take) there’s definitely something for everyone. Don’t worry too much if you’re a bit of a novice, there’s no need to tackle Everest on your first attempt at climbing.
As one of the only volcanic, three peaked mountains on the planet, Kilimanjaro has been incredibly popular amongst the climbing community for many years. You might think Africa manages to avoid snow due to the extreme temperatures, but this mountain is so high that it’s almost always got a white cap. Again, don’t worry too much about reaching the top on your first climb, just spend some time checking out the views and moving at your own pace. This is the best way to avoid injury or accidents.
Ben Nevis is the largest mountain in the UK at around 1,344 meters above sea level. Located deep in the Scottish highlands, this destination is very popular with people just starting out with trekking, and so could be ideal for your first venture. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to reach the peak in a single day, although some people do prefer to take things a little more slowly. Camping on the mountain can be a bit of a pain, but it’s still possible, and with expert guides to hand constantly, you’re sure to make the right decisions.
Well then my friends, I hope you’re now giving some serious thought to getting outside in the fresh air and exploring the world a little before it’s too late. Although there are many climbers from all age groups, trekking is better when you’re young, and so now is the time to get started.
Catch you soon!