Caves In Armenia: Mozrov, Arjer, Magil

Travel Tips

We were talking about the Mozrov cave in my previous post. Maybe you think that caves are not the best places to travel and see, but I am sure that you will change your opinion as soon as you visit the Mozrov cave.

At first it may seem to visitors that the cave is full of ice formations. However, they are stalactites and stalagmites formations, which make the cave extremely beautiful and not like the other ones. These formations display different colors, at the same time reminding of bacon and popcorn.

Nevertheless, it is very dangerous to visit the Mozrov cave unless you are a professional caver. Generally, Mozrov cave is closed to the public because of the problems with vandalism by the visitors. But fortunately, there are some special programs all over the world the aim of which is to preserve caves and make them one of the most interesting tourist destinations.

According to Zara Amatuni — the public relations manager of the Armenian National Competitiveness Foundation — after several studies, Mozrov cave will also be open to public.

Not far from Mozrov cave, Arjer (or Bear) cave is located. It is at the depth of about two miles and has beautiful formations. It is the longest and deepest cave in Armenia. The cave is called Bear because numerous bones of cave bears were found there. This cave is very raw and should be entered with a guide.

Just outside the monastery of Noravank you can see one of the largest caves in Armenia — Mageli or Magil cave. It is about a mile in depth as a result of which the temperature there is always constant – about 57 degrees F. As the passageways in this cave are 33-50 feet in width, it will be easier for you to crawl. The Magil cave has also been closed off because of vandalism, and you can visit it only with professional guides.

Thus, if you are tired of beaches and botanical gardens and want some extreme, pack up your things and spend your hiking vacations visiting exciting caves in Armenia. And don’t forget about a professional and experienced guide!

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